Over 50 years ago, a group of flower arranging friends met on 10th September 1959 to discuss the possibility of forming a flower club. This proved so successful, that an inaugural meeting took place at The Gaiety Ballroom on 22nd September 1959. 37 women, 4 men and 8 committee members, plus the press were present, and the "Scarborugh District Floral Decoration Club" was founded. Bar church schoolroom became the venue at a cost of 10/6 per hour and 2/6 for the caretaker. Members paid subscription fee of 1.guinea per year. By October 20th meeting, membership had reached 100 with 5 on the waiting lst. The committee decided this month to become affiliated to the "Floral Arrangement Association of North East England". Entrance fee was £ll.00 with capitation cost of 1/- per head for the first 100 members. (later to be called North East Area of NAFAS) Practical evenings began in October 1959, members taking part arrived at 6.30pm to allow demonstrators or speakers to start prompt at 7.30pm. Association with the horticultural society was established at the onset and continues to this day with members entering their shows, competing in flower arrangements for certificates and trophies. It was the Mayoress of the Borough that became President along with Charman, Secretary, Treasurer and Committee. The clubs first AGM was held on September 28th 1960. Rules were established and all future AGMs shall take place end of September with no club, July, August or December. Membership had grown to 110 with 25 on the waiting list. Other rules can be read in the first minutes book September 1959 - September 1961. Passage "Quoted" in brief from 1974 Flower Festival, All Saints Church Brompton by Sawdon reads;Scarborough Floral Decoration Club now holds their meetings at St. Nicholas Hotel, membership now 150 originally the club would only decorate a church or notable home for charitable causes at intervals of 2 years, which would be known as their charitable year. Having won a well-earned reputation for their floral decorations, the club was asked to help raise funds for so many charitable causes that it decided the charity rule had outlived its usefulness. Since 1970 the club has therefore been willing to assist any deserving charity. Many churches, stately homes, abbeys and minsters have been decorated, flower festivals and competitions won at shows by members. The highlight for me was Beverley Minster "Lest we forget" a moving memorial to the forces of World War 2. There is so much history to write about, but sadly time and space won`t allow. I thought members would like to know how it all began then, and now 50 years on. Scarborough Flower Club received in our Golden Year, the ultimate accolade of being invited to compete at the most prestigious "CHELSEA FLOWER SHOW" in May 2009. ENJOY YOUR FLOWERS. written by Mary Bird July 2009